Sunday, August 22, 2010

Zechariah: Penultimate Book, Ultimate Hope & Joy!

Dear Zachary,

When I think about your name, Zach, it brings incredible joy to my heart. You are helping Daddy stand firm in the scriptures like in the second to last Old Testament book, Zechariah. We rejoice greatly and marvel in Zechariah 9:9-10. Zach, your namesake prophesied the triumphant and victorious entry of Jesus into Jerusalem 500 years before it took place! Jesus, whose dominion is from sea to sea and to the ends of the Earth, rode into Jerusalem on a young donkey with peace and meekness about 1980 years ago. Zach, Jesus was afflicted, beaten, and put to death, but God meant this for good! Death did not ultimately conquer Him, Zach. Quite the contrary! He rose triumphantly from the dead and now reigns in heaven! This is our King, Zach and our ultimate treasure, hope, and joy! Because He rose, we can have peace with God. What is this peace? Zach, we live in a fallen world, and we have shortcomings in ourselves. Not Christ, though. Because He did not sin, Zach He can be our righteous substitute. He restores peace between us and God, and we can be with Him forever! What a hope to remember! Shall we also then, rejoice greatly and shout for joy?!!




  1. What a beautiful baby boy and what a wonderful thing you are doing by making this journal. I put Zachary and your family in a Gods hands every night when i pray.

    God be with you and your family.


  2. Zachary is so sweet - I just want to cuddle with him! =0) We are continuing to lift you all up before our Father in Heaven. May you feel his peace greatly this week.
    Love - the Harris'

  3. So PRECIOUS! Your blog is a such a wonderful way to connect with all of us who care, pray, and think about you. Thank you. Love and kisses to little Zack.
